Nagarjuna's younger son Akhil Akkineni has been selected for Tollywood Warriors team in the Celebrity Cricket League matches that will be held from 4th June in places Hyderabad, Vizag, Chennai and Bengaluru.
It is known that Akhil has played extremely well in Tollywood trophy T-20 match and led Nagarjuna’s team to victory. Akhil has been appreciated and praised by all the T-Town bigwigs. That has now made the Tollywood warriors team select Akhil in their team and Nagarjuna also have agreed for Akhil to play in the CCL cricket.
Manchu Vishnu, who owned the Tollywood warriors team has confirmed that Akhil is playing for CCL matches and opined that he would be the asset for their team. Venkatesh is the captain for Tollywood Warriors and the other stars includes Vishnu Manchu, Akhil Akkineni, Srikanth, Tarun, Nitin, Siddharth, Quayum, Bharath, Aadarsh Balakrishna et al. The team members are not taking the CCL easy and are practicing rigorously in Lahari Resorts under the guidance of a coach.