Young tiger Jr NTR’s "Shakthi" movie was released recently and the movie turned flop at box office. The movie produced by Aswini Dutt on Vyjayanthi movies banner. Aswini Dutt got the huge loss for the Shakthi movie, after it turned flop. He made that movie with high budget around Rs 40 crores.
As per the soutrces Jr NTR seems upset with losses bared alone by Aswini Dutt for ‘Shakti movie disaster.’ So he wants to help him out by doing another film for free of cost under his production house. So Tarak is planning to do a film for free to Vyjayanthi Movies and details of this project will be out soon.
Jr NTR is presently busy with the shootings of his new films one is with Surendar Reddy direction tentatively titled "Oosaravelli" and another film is with Boayapati Sreenu direction tentatively titled "Dammu". Jr NTR- Boyapati sreenu film shooting was started on Yesterday in Hyderabad, in this flick Sruthi Hassan is pairing up with Jr NTR.
As per the soutrces Jr NTR seems upset with losses bared alone by Aswini Dutt for ‘Shakti movie disaster.’ So he wants to help him out by doing another film for free of cost under his production house. So Tarak is planning to do a film for free to Vyjayanthi Movies and details of this project will be out soon.
Jr NTR is presently busy with the shootings of his new films one is with Surendar Reddy direction tentatively titled "Oosaravelli" and another film is with Boayapati Sreenu direction tentatively titled "Dammu". Jr NTR- Boyapati sreenu film shooting was started on Yesterday in Hyderabad, in this flick Sruthi Hassan is pairing up with Jr NTR.