Professor Konstantin Novoselov, left, and Professor Andrei Geim have been conducting experiments with graphene at Manchester University
A new material that is only one atom thick and could change the future of electronics has seen two scientists at a British university win the Nobel Prize for physics.
Russian-born Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, both from Manchester University, shared the prize for their 'groundbreaking experiments' with graphene - a microscopic flake of carbon.
Since its discovery in 2004 by the pair, graphene has rapidly become one of the hottest topics in materials science and solid-state physics.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said that their experiments with graphene could lead to the development of new material and 'the manufacture of innovative electronics'.
Geim, 51, is a Dutch national while Novoselov, 36, holds British and Russian citizenship. Both are natives of Russia and started their careers in physics there.
Geim said he was shocked by the announcement but planned to go back to work as usual today.
'My plan for today is to go to work and finish up a paper that I didn't finish this week,' he said. 'I just try to muddle on as before.'
The pair extracted the super-thin material from a piece of graphite such as that found in ordinary pencils using sticky tape.
'Playfulness is one of their hallmarks, one always learns something in the process and, who knows, you may even hit the jackpot,' the committee said in its release.
One millimetre of graphite actually consists of 3 million layers of graphene stacked on top of each other, although they are weakly held together.
Graphene was discovered at Manchester University in 2004. It is a single atomic layer of carbon atoms bound in a hexagonal network.
The ultra-thin material called graphene could help develop super fast electronics
The bonds between the carbon atoms are the strongest in nature and the free electrons are highly mobile. It not only promises to revolutionise semiconductor, sensor, and display technology, but could also lead to breakthroughs in fundamental quantum physics research.
It is often depicted as an atomic-scale chicken wire made of carbon atoms and their bonds.
Scientists believe it could one day be used to make transparent conducting materials, biomedical sensors and even extremely light, yet strong, aircraft of the future.
Similar to another important nanomaterial - carbon nanotubes - graphene is incredibly strong - around 200 times stronger than structural steel.
Geim last year received the prestigious Korber European Science Award for his discovery of two-dimensional crystals made of carbon atoms, particularly graphene, the university said on its website.
The Swedish academy of sciences in Stockholm announces the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics today
It said the discovery 'has the potential to revolutionise the world of microelectronics'.
Dr Mark Miodownik, Head of the Materials Research Group, King's College London, said: 'The award of this Nobel Prize will bring a smile to the face of every scientist because it shows you can still get a Nobel Prize by mucking about in a lab.
'Professors Geim and Novoselov happened across graphene, a new material that has the potential to revolutionise electronics, by discovering they could pluck atomic layers of carbon from the lead of a pencil using nothing more sophisticated than sticky tape.
'It turns out that anyone who has ever held a pencil could have discovered this amazing new material, but it was Professors Geim and Novoselov who took the time to look carefully. Bravo!
'Another reason to recognise that British science is a special culture, admired throughout the world for its originality and genius, and needs to be nurtured not cut by the government if they want to foster future technology and wealth in the UK.'
University of Manchester President and Vice-Chancellor Nancy Rothwell said: 'This is fantastic news. We are delighted that Andre and Konstantin’s work on graphene has been recognised at the very highest level by the 2010 Nobel Prize Committee.
'This is a wonderful example of a fundamental discovery based on scientific curiosity with major practical, social and economic benefits for society.'
The 2010 Nobel Prize announcements started yesterday with the medicine award going to British researcher Robert Edwards for work that led to the first test tube baby.
source: dailymail