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Prosecution Calls Tattoo Artist in Casey Anthony Murder Case – What Does “Bella Vita” Mean Anyway? – Photo

Anybody who has been watching the Casey Anthony murder trial in Orlando has been impressed by the prosecution’s case in chief.

They have linked the duct tape, clothing, lying, and a host of other elements that seem to point to a guilty verdict.

And today the prosecution rested their case by ending with one very important witness.

Bobby Williams.

Williams is a tattoo artist who inked Casey with a tat that says “Bella Vita” in July of 2008.

Why is this so incriminating?

Because Casey received her tattoo less than a month after her daughter went missing and the definition for “Bella Vita” is “the good life” or “a beautiful life”.

More specifically, Italians use that phrase to mean without worry, carefree, no obligations, relieved from life’s problems.

Casey Anthony's Bella Vita Tattoo

Not a good move after killing your daughter and throwing her in the woods like a pile of trash.

Tomorrow the defense gets their chance to make sense out of all the lies Casey has told them.

Good luck and God speed.

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Justin Bieber Denies Being Angry and Rude to Fans at Grandparents House in Stratford

News of an angry Justin Bieber has been surfacing on the internet today.

The truth is – it’s not true.

Sources have been reporting that an angry Justin Bieber grew irritated with his fans and cursed at them when they appeared in front of his grandmother’s house in Stratford Ontario.

Bieber is back in his home town with girlfriend Selena Gomez and it has turned out to be quite the media frenzy for the small town of 30,000.

But after a cell phone video taken by one of the fans surfaced, the rumor started that Justin was angry, rude, and none too friendly to his fans.

Bieber and Gomez have been staying at his Grandma’s house while in Stratford.

We watched the video and see no evidence of any anger or rudeness, nor did we hear any cursing or cuss words. It simply looks like he was asking them to leave in a very polite way.

On Saturday, Justin’s best friend Ryan Butler took to twitter to try and calm the storm saying,

“Some of you guys are asking me about the whole incident that happened outside of Justin’s grandma’s house earlier this week. A bunch of fans were standing outside of his house with cameras and screaming for him to come out. After a couple hours, Justin had no choice but to go out himself and ask the fans to please leave his home, this is where he spends time with his family and friends, he asked them respectfully without raising his voice. I was there to witness it. He will always love his fans!! He at no point said for anyone to “Go Home” in a demeaning tone. He just asked them to leave his house respectfully”.

There, the issue is settled. There is no need to get excited, and no need to believe that

Justin has turned into an evil tattooed rock star.

Besides, the bigger question should be why he is taking pictures of himself with his hands in his underwear in a revealing pose like this one?